Friday, November 27, 2020

Monroe, Washington, and Jefferson

Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

Monroe, Washington, and Jefferson (Sage's Video)


We hiked Monroe, Washington, and Jefferson! The hike was absolutely gorgeous--we had perfect weather and views.

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Adams and Madison

Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

Adams and Madison


The hike today was gorgeous, and we had perfect visibility. We hiked up Valley Way to Adams, went over to Madison, and then went down Watson Path.

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!


Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website



We hiked up Mt. Moriah via Stony Brook Trail and then Sage and I went down Carter Moriah Trail and Mom went back down Stony Brook Trail. It was a warm sunny day today!

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

Pierce and Eisenhower

Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

Pierce and Eisenhower


Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Wildcat A and the Carters

 Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

Wildcat A and the Carters


Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!


 Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website



Rocky Branch Trail

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

The Twins and Galehead

 Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

The Twins and Galehead


Gale River Trail

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website



Signal Ridge Trail

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

Isolation, 9/19/20

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Check out Sage's blog and tune in next week for her next hike!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Tripyramids, Whiteface, and Passaconaway

 Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website

The Tripyramids, Whiteface, and Passaconaway, 9/6/20

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


The Carters

 Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website!

The Carters, 8/22/20

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Friday, August 21, 2020

Three-Day Camping Trip: Garfield, Galehead, South Twin, North Twin, Owl's Head, 8/18/20 - 8/20/20

Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website!

We went on a three-day camping trip! The first day, we hiked to Thirteen Falls Tentsite. The second day, we hiked Garfield, and then Sage and Mom stayed at Galehead Hut while I hiked Galehead, South Twin, and North Twin. After we met up again, we hiked down to Thirteen Falls. The final day, we packed up everything and headed over to the Owl’s Head slide and climbed it up to Owl’s Head. Then, we hiked down and out to the Lincoln Woods parking lot. A very strenuous and productive trip!

Three-Day Camping Trip, 8/18/20 - 8/20/20

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Zealand and the Bonds, August 2020

 Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website!

 I had a wonderful time solo hiking Zealand and the Bonds today!

Zealand and the Bonds - 8/16/20

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


Monday, July 13, 2020

July 2020 Hike

Union of Concerned Scientists is an organization that fights for climate justice and conducts climate change research. They have articles on climate change, COVID-19, politics, and more. Check out their website!

Here is my Jefferson video:

Jefferson - 7/7/20

Grid Four Thousand Footer progress:


June 2020 Hikes

Here are the hikes that I did in June 2020:

Whiteface and Passaconaway - 6/8/20

Moriah - 6/14/20

Galehead, South Twin, North Twin - 6/23/20

Zealand and the Bonds - 6/27/20

Happy hiking and stay safe!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Grid Update

I hope all of you are doing well! Update: I originally planned to finish the Grid next December, but, because of the New Hampshire stay-at-home ordinance, I haven't been able to hike since before March. I will start hiking again this month. Despite the delay, I am still planning on finishing the Grid before I go to college. Happy hiking!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 2020 Hikes

Due to the recent stay-at-home ordinance in New Hampshire, we have decided that we are going to postpone our Grid goals and stick to local trails for now. For everyone’s safety, we encourage everyone else, especially those who travel from out of state, to stay home as well. Before this all happened, I was planning to finish the Grid in December of 2020, but now I will have to finish at some point in 2021, but still before I go to college. Sage’s Grid goals will also be affected, just not as significantly. Everyone please stay healthy, and enjoy the outdoors while staying close to home. - a message from Sage and me
Here are the hikes that we have done this March:
Sage - Isolation - 3/2/2020 -    
Sage - The Carters - 3/8/2020 -  
Alex - Carrigain - 3/16/2020 -  
Stay safe!

Monday, March 16, 2020

February 2020 Hikes

Sage - The Tripyramids - 2/2/2020 -

Alex - Carrigain - 2/9/2020 -

Alex - The Osceolas - 2/16/2020 - 

Alex - Owl’s Head - 2/17/2020 -

Alex - The Carters - 2/23/2020 -

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Carrigain - 2/9/2020

Alex - Carrigain - 2/9/2020 -

We had an awesome day! Crystal clear skies and pretty good trail conditions on Signal Ridge Trail.

The Tripyramids - 2/2/2020

Sage - The Tripyamids - 2/2/2020 -

Check out Sage's video of our hike of the Tripyramids! It was a comfortable hiking day with views and reasonable temperatures.

January 2020 Hikes

Alex - Liberty and Flume - 1/6/2020 -

Alex - Cabot - 1/10/2020 -

Sage - Mount Moriah - 1/13/2020 -

Sage - Owl’s Head - 1/20/2020 -

Alex - Zealand and the Bonds - 1/27/20 -

Friday, January 3, 2020

December 2019 Hikes

We had some amazing hikes this month!  We did Carter Dome and Wildcat ACarrigain, Isolation, and Madison, Adams, and Jefferson.  They were all very snowy but enjoyable adventures!  Our videos on these hikes are linked to their respective mountains above.