Monday, August 1, 2016

New Facebook Page and Wilderness Navigation

This is Trish writing (Alex's mom).  Alex is away with her sister and her dad for the next two weeks.  I'm filling in today; Alex will write again when she returns.

Important - The girls now have their own Facebook Page for their long-term Global Fund for Women fundraiser!  Please visit and "like" Sisters Hiking for Equality.  Most importantly, please donate!

Also! - Over the last couple of weeks, Alex had the pleasure of taking Mike Cherim's Wilderness Navigation course through Northeast Mountaineering.  She and Sage left for a vacation with their dad immediately after the last session ended, so she didn't get a chance to post photos or comment about her experience.  I do know she enjoyed the course and learned a ton.  I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to be confident with map and compass navigation while off-trail in the wilderness.  Alex will fill you in when she gets back.

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