Friday, September 21, 2018

Solo Hike of Cannon, 9/17/2018

4.0 miles round-trip
2100 feet of elevation gain

Last Monday, I solo hiked Cannon Mountain.  I started the hike at around 5:00 am since I had an AP English Language class in the morning that I needed to attend that day.  Soon after I began the hike, I delayered and took off my fleece.  

The sky was a dark and mysterious blue-gray.

The sky lightened as the sun came up.  I had multiple viewpoints while hiking, thanks to the many gaps in the trees.

The gradual sunrise was beautiful.

I like this picture; I was luckily able to capture perfect purple clouds with pink bases.

The viewpoint was rewarding.  Here are some pictures I took from there:

The summit of Cannon up ahead:

I continued...

Looking back...

I was happy to see the summit structure.  It was a beautiful morning. 

I saw lovely views from the top:


Summit selfie:

After a little while, Sage and Mom, who were hiking the mountain as well (but significantly behind me so I could hike solo), caught up with me, and we spent some time at the summit together.

Coming down...

The leaves are turning already!  Time flies.


It was a nice hike.

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