Sunday, March 5, 2017

Whiteface and Passaconaway. Feb. 27, 2017

Please donate to Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) to support their work for a brighter future!  They do amazing work to help prevent climate change effects.  They are also paying careful attention to the Trump administration's actions/lack of actions when it comes to environmental policies, and they help mobilize people to stand up for science.  Also, please look into Rachel Cleetus and her work.  Dr. Cleetus is the lead economist and climate policy manager of UCS, and she looks at how economics and climate change are parallel in many different ways.  Thank you in advance for your help!

Alexandra Herr
Mount Whiteface and Mount Passaconaway
Blueberry Ledge Trail, Rollins Trail, Dicey Mill's Trail
11.9 miles
3,800 feet of elevation gain

We began when the sun was rising and making the trees ahead of us black silhouettes against the rosy sky.  The snow appears to be waves on a beach in the below picture. 

The orange sun shone through the trees.

The trail was firm enough for us not to need snowshoes.  We carried them just in case we would need them later, after the temperatures warmed. 

There were frozen postholes from other hikers here and there, but nothing we could not easily step over.

I was surprised at the relative lack of snow on the Blueberry Ledge Trail.

There were beautiful ice patterns between roots in parts of the trail.  They looked like white swirls in frozen silver puddles.

The snow looks blue-tinted under the trees' shadows.

We saw these tracks while hiking up the trail.

Besides the postholes made by previous hikers, the trail was nice!  The hike felt refreshing.

The day was warmer than usual, especially once the sun fully rose and shone on everything.

My shadow...

A glimpse of some views through the branches:


This was one of the ledges on Blueberry Ledge Trail.  They were not dangerous today, and they provided us with beautiful scenery.

This one was a little more challenging, but it was definitely doable.

Mom took these three pictures - 

On the ledge, looking at Sage...

It was wonderful to be out in nature on such a perfect day!

Sunny, sunny, sunny...

Sage with the bright blue mountains behind her...

Us two (Mom's picture):

After hiking for a little while, we arrived at the lookout close to the summit of Mt. Whiteface.

Summit lookout selfie!

The pictures below were taken by Mom...

After a short break at the lookout, we continued along to Mt. Whiteface's actual summit, which is along the path to Passaconaway and in the trees.  Since there is no obvious spot that marks the actual summit, we just took some photos along the way.

Rollins Trail was firm - we stepped over the many deep and frozen postholes easily in our light traction.  This was not the morning for snowshoes.

The intersection which leads to Passaconaway's summit --

Mt. Passaconaway has a viewpoint, but its summit is in the woods.

Sage and I at the actual summit!

The viewpoint...we had good visibility today.

Sage and I looking beyond...


Heading back down...

Blue skies...

We all got over the log safely and easily!

Mom took this picture of me crossing.

The trail was flat from there.

My shadow:

Back at the parking lot!

We all got milkshakes afterwards for a treat.  It was a fun day!

We were supposed to hike the Bonds tomorrow, but I have a nasty cold and Mom would rather I not take on the 23-mile hike until I am better.  I offered to stay home so Sage and Mom could do it -- the weather is supposed to be perfect for that traverse -- but Sage says she doesn't mind waiting.  We will all hike something shorter tomorrow instead.  I'll have another trip report by Thursday morning.

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