Saturday, September 2, 2017

Madison and Adams via Madison Gulf Trail and Buttress Trail. August 27, 2017

Please look at Union of Concerned Scientists' (UCS) many articles and donate here to support science and essential climate change research.  Learn about the correlation between Hurricane Harvey in Texas and climate change.

Also, listen to the latest episode of GraniteGals, available on iTunes!  In this week's episode, we interview Rachel Kowalsky.

Some photos of our recent trail work, and of our eclipse hike of the Kinsmans, can be found on Mom's site, here.

Madison and Adams
Trails: Old Jackson Road, Madison Gulf, Parapet, Gulfside, Star Lake, Buttress, Great Gulf
Elevation gain: nearly 6000 feet
Mileage: 17.5

I had a great time giving an 8-minute speech at Pinkham Notch Visitor Center on 8/26/2017.  I discussed Leave No Trace and environmental conservation.  Before my speech, Mom gave a 45-minute talk about our hiking experiences as a trio and our book, UP: A Mother and Daughter's Peakbagging Adventure

After this, Mom, Sage, and I stayed at Pinkham Notch Vistor Center for the night, and the next morning, we headed out at 5:00 am to begin our 17.5-mile day.

Starting off on the Old Jackson Road...

Old Jackson Road is a fairly easy trail with little elevation gain.

Rock steps!

Light coming through the trees...

We reached the Auto Road.

When we got to Madison Gulf Trail, the trail eventually became more difficult.

The suspension bridge was fun to walk across because it moved a great deal with each step I took.  This may be difficult to cross if you are particularly afraid of heights!  I did not have a problem going across, though, and I often get frightened of being up high and not having solid ground under my feet (I get nervous when vertically climbing, for example).

A nicely built ladder...

From here, it's a steep and sketchy climb up the headwall.  Madison Gulf Trail is on our Terrifying 25 list; it is not nearly as bad as Huntington Ravine Trail, but I wouldn't exactly call it easy, either.

We spotted some pretty views as we headed up.

Photo by Mom

Photo by Mom

Photo by Mom

Photo by Mom

Photo by Mom

When we popped out from the scrub, we were able to fully see the beautiful scenery around us and feel the mountainous breeze.  Hiking above treeline often feels very tranquil.

Sage and the mountains beyond...

Intersection with the Parapet Trail...

Mom and Sage fit perfectly under the sign!  I am happy with how this picture turned out.

Shadow images...

Closer to Madison Springs Hut...

Taking a food break at the hut increased our energy and was appreciated; we had already hiked 6 miles up Old Jackson Road and Madison Gulf Trail.  I had my share of well-made pancakes, apple spice cake, and lemonade.

After taking a break at the hut, we ascended Mt. Madison.

Looking back...

Almost at the top of Madison...

Here we are!  We met a couple nice hikers and a different hiker with a dog on the summit.  The views were spectacular!

Photo by Mom

We descended, passed the hut, and began our ascent of Adams.

Photo by Mom

There were gorgeous views from Mt. Adams as well.

Photo by Mom

Sage snacking on chips she bought from the hut:

We descended using Star Lake Trail and reached the intersection with Buttress Trail.  Back down we go!

This trail was rocky in many parts.


Resting for a second as Mom comes down the trail behind us...

Mom going under a huge boulder-cave formation...

Last views of the day!

Rocky, rocky, rocky...

At the intersection with Great Gulf Trail, we came across a fellow named John and his dog, Pepper.  Pepper looks so fierce in this picture!

When we got back to Pinkham Notch Visitor Center, we walked to our car and drove home, picking up some food along the way.  We had a long day of wonderful views, interesting terrain, friendly people (and dogs), and valuable experiences!

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