Monday, December 31, 2018

Wildcat D with Cloud Formations, 12/29/2018

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Wildcat D
Wildcat ski trails
7.4 miles round-trip
Around 2,100 feet of elevation gain

It was an average winter day at the Wildcat ski area.  Thankfully, the weather was nice, and it wasn't too cold.  The only downside was the wind, but we didn't feel it that much.

I had a mild cold, so we did Wildcat D instead of a more difficult hike; I didn't want my health to worsen. 

We enjoyed a nice view of resting clouds.

I remember this hill every time we hike this mountain.

The cloud formations were beautiful...

Mom remarked that the clouds here resembled ice cream or mashed potatoes with a little bump in the middle.

The morning air was ripe and refreshing, and the scenery was staggeringly beautiful.

We arrived at the summit of Wildcat D with elevated spirits.

We had a great day!  I hope I get better soon, though.  Happy Holidays, everyone!

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