Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Solo Hike on Waumbek--10/2/2016

Starr King Trail
7.2 miles round-trip
2,650 feet of elevation gain

The weather was nice and crisp; I wore my zip-up long sleeve shirt and tied my fleece around my waist.  We have hiked this mountain together many times, so we arrived at the appropriate conclusion that I could solo hike today.

I am so used to seeing this sweet little well; its familiar face does not catch me by surprise in the slightest.

Yellow blazes signify the trail is not connected with the AT.

There were so many autumn leaves!  Colors of red, orange, yellow, brown, and green captured the moment.  It felt like refreshing eye candy.

I knew I was close to Starr King when I saw the first tiny cairn peer up at me from the slabs of rock wedged in the dirt.

Aha!  I recognized the sight at once--I had reached the top of Starr King.  It was the first bump before the main hill of the day: Waumbek.

The part of the trail between Starr King and Waumbek was easier than the part I came up before Starr King.

Another cairn!  Mt. Waumbek's summit.

It may appear like I dyed my hair partially red; but I didn't, so it must be the lighting.

My snack today:

Right before I came to the parking lot again, I noticed a rather large water bar for the second time.  So satisfying to walk over, yet so big!  I wonder why the interesting style choice.

Waumbek is special in its own way.  Great hike!


  1. That is an awesome account of Waumbek, Alex! Thanks for sharing your solo journey - exciting!


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