Thursday, December 1, 2016

Carter Dome, South Carter, and Middle Carter. November 23, 2016

The Carters
Nineteen Mile Brook Trail, Carter Dome Trail, Carter Moriah Trail, North Carter Trail, Imp Trail
10.6 miles
4,100 feet of elevation gain

It was the day before Thanksgiving when we hiked the three Carters.  There was ice covering some of the rocks, and the air was chilly but not too terribly freezing.  Our friend, John Myers, came with us.

My phone had some issues when we tried to upload the pictures onto the blog, so most of the images showing were taken by Mom.  I uploaded some of mine through email though, and I will note which ones those are.

I took this one.  It is the dam that marks the one mile mark on the Nineteen Mile Brook trail!

I took this one when we arrived at the intersection of Nineteen Mile Brook Trail and Carter Dome Trail.  The trail was looking beautiful and fresh with the cool snowy dusting (pun intended).

I shot this one as I was about to cross a water crossing.

The trees were lightly frosted with snow and the ground had its share of white.

I took this picture.  Snowy trees are gorgeous in contrast with the blue sky!


We came to another intersection.

Carter Dome ahead!

We came out into a snow-filled clearing with stiff hands but wintery wonders in front of our eyes.

Summit photos!

After that, we continued to South Carter.

Bog bridges in a winter wonderland...

It was foggy, but some trees were able to slip through (I took this one).

There is me photographing the scenery at Middle Carter.

And Sage!


And me again...

Back at the car, I examined the interesting ice patterns that had formed in my Nalgene (I took this).

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!

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